The Institute Of Transpersonal Leadership Development

A Transpersonal Leader is defined as: They operate beyond the ego while continuing personal development and learning. They are radical, ethical, and authentic while emotionally intelligent and caring. The consequences of the lack of Transpersonal and  Ethical Leadership are in the news headlines virtually every day, whether it is the leaders of major countries, immigration, or organisations accused of tax evasion(avoidance?), negligence, misrepresentations, bribery, money laundering, financial manipulation. It all seems quite a mess and quite frightening. The world is  in a  state of leadership crisis.

Unlocking the solutions within You

Ethical behaviour is a core element of Transpersonal Leadership and sits alongside “radical” “authentic”, “caring”, and “performance-enhancing” as its key purposes. Ethical leadership is one of those things that most of us know is important but where there are very few methodologies on how it can be achieved or examples of how it has been actually realised in organisations. Ethical leadership means that individuals behave according to a set of principles and values that are recognized by the majority as a sound basis for the common good. These include integrity, respect, trust, fairness, transparency, and honesty. Ethical leadership must be a conscious decision.

Transpersonal Leaders who are themselves emotionally intelligent, ethical, caring, authentic and lead beyond their ego can enable and maintain this kind of leadership culture. Successful leaders recognise that leadership has moved on from being authoritative, hierarchical and pacesetting to becoming a distributed leadership underpinned by an ethical, caring, sustainable and performance enhancing culture based on transpersonal leadership development. Combining emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence results in a culture that is caring and sustainable. finally, the spiritual and rational brings you the ethical.

Ethical leadership is leadership that is directed by respect for ethical beliefs and values and for the dignity and rights of others. It is thus related to concepts such as trust, honesty, consideration, charisma, and fairness. Ethical leadership in education is driven by a respect for values and an unfaltering belief in the dignity and rights of others. Ethical leaders build leadership cultures governed by fair, clearly articulated expectations, rather than cultures driven by personalities or politics. Ethical leaders are concerned about the issues of equality, fairness, and justice. They make it a priority to treat their subordinates in an equal manner.

The Vision  and Goals.

The vision of the institute is to train world leaders in developing the skills of transpersonal leadership. The curriculum design is based on the philosophy of transpersonal education. Transpersonal education is ‘the realization and maintenance of higher states of consciousness in which intrapersonal and interpersonal actualization is subsumed’, Moore (1975) provides a different perspective, that the objective for transpersonal education is to combine the various domains of ‘being’, such as the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. It is also addressed to questions of value, meaning and purpose in the life of a leader. Transpersonal awareness will enable leaders to embark on cultural and traditional development so as leaders, you’ll be an asset to your community and a voice of reason in aiding good counsel for government leadership.  Or, endeavour to get into politics at a higher level of Natural Senses and awareness for community and government stability.


Our vision is to train  leaders  in all spheres  of  human endeavours by  offering  training  and coaching  services that are tailored towards maximizing the transpersonal leadership potentials of  every individual. We aim to achieve our vision by ;

  1. To deliver Transpersonal leadership development training programs and conduct research in Collaboration with El-Roi London University under the School of Transpersonal Psychology starting in September 2022.
  2. To Collaborate with various Institutions of Higher Education in partnership to jointly deliver our Transpersonal Leadership Training Courses across the globe.
  3. To deliver a personal Transpersonal Leadership Coaching Services in relationship with all our high-value Leaders across the globe.
  4.  To work in Partnership with the Peace Centre in Promoting the Philosophy of Transpersonal Leadership Development in different kingdoms in Treaty with Sovereign Kingdom Of Hawaii.
  5.  To work in the Capacity of an Ambassador of the Sovereign kingdom Of Hawaii to United kingdom and European Union in Promoting The Kingdom of Hawaii Transpersonal Leadership Philosophy .


The institute of Transpersonal Leadership Development working under the leadership of El-Roi London University school of Transpersonal psychology   aim to produce deliverables that will   contribute   a major   solution to global leadership crisis. The institute will offer the following training programs.

  • Level 3 Certificate In Transpersonal leadership Philosophy
  • Level3 Certificate In Transpersonal leadership coaching.
  • Level 6 Graduate Diploma in Transpersonal leadership Development.
  • Level 3 Certificate in Transpersonal Education Studies.
  • MSc in Transpersonal Psychology
  • MSc in Transpersonal Education.


The institute of Transpersonal Leadership Development is owned by El-Roi London University faculty of Transpersonal Psychology. The training programs will be delivered by our highly qualified teaching staff under the leadership of the Vice chancellor who holds the position of principal consultant in transpersonal leadership development.

The institute will commence an online training delivery starting by September  2022/2023 Academic year.
